

Khiasma is supported by:

La Région Île-de-France
Le Département de la
La DRAC Île-de-France
La Ville des Lilas
La Ville de Paris
La Mairie du 20è
Paris Habitat
La Fondation de France

Khiasma est membre du réseau TRAM et partenaire de Paris-Art.


Currently resident

Lachaise (Marion)

VidéoArtistes en résidence

Antiportraits Politzer

Marion Lachaise's residency at the Politzer School (Bagnolet)

Marion Lachaise was in residence at the George Politzer grade school in Bagnolet (93) throughout the 2013-2014 school year, as part of the program “Culture and art in School” in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis. During this period, the students in the 5ème7 class were initiated to the creation of antiportraits.

How can we give an image of ourselves outside of the norms of representation? How can we permit the apparition, the emergence of another figure even as we maintain a strong relation to the model? After asking each student to create an object in clay or cardboard that represents his/her “ideal space”, the artist recorded the words of the participants evoking their relations to the class
Each antiportrait is composed of a projected video interview and the body of an object in movement.

Marion Lachaise is a visual artist and videast. She creates video portraits of her contemporaries. Her work is constructed with different media: video, volume, photography, sound. Seeing is a primordial act, on the condition of creating the point of view of representation. By using this basis of reflection, she works with two parameters of research within the field of art history: “videomodeled portraits” (the history of the portrait) and “Impressioned views” (the history of landscape). Each line of research is based on an observation of the real and on phenomena of perception. Observing the real from a fixed point of view, she can decide to make or unmake the apparent unity of the elements that compose it. From this ‘back and forth’ between construction and deconstruction, representation is born. What is its nature? A dream, a vision, the world as she represents it, an act, an object for thought… She tries to give form to figures that distinguish themselves from our usual visual habits, according to the place where we position ourselves to see them. Memory is the principal vector. To structure her research, she creates performative processes that adapt themselves to the particular terrain of experimentation in question.